What´s the EVOO?

The importance of the sensory analysis

analisis sensorial cata(2)The tasting of virgin olive oil is mandatory before being labeled.  This is the determining factor on whether or not it is called extra virgin.

The sensoriy taste test is regulated by the rules of the IOC (International Olive Oil Council) through an extensive manual with specific technical requirements in the room where it takes place, and also the material used in the evaluation of the oil.

The taste testers that make up the panel are experts and have been prepared to detect if any virgin olive oil deserves the category of extra or not.  If the oil not deemed worthy, it is either categorized as Virgin or Lampant.  To be a taste tester, one must have a very developed palette and also be able to recall, with ease, the various positive attributes as well as potential defects.

During an official taste test, the flavor and odor of the oil is examined.  This is done to classify the oil as an extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil or lampant olive oil.  There are three principal positive attributes for an extra virgin olive oil: fruity, bitter and spicy.  The negative attributes, or defects, include (fusty, musty, winey, rancid, etc.).


The following describes the various categories of olive oil.  Oleoestepa exlusivley sells the highest tier of the three grades: extra virgin olive oil.

Virgin olive oils

Obtained from the fruit of the olive extracted using only mechanical or physical techniques underconditions that will not alter the oil.  These oils are strictly classified under the following two categories:


[column width=”1/3″]Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Fatty Free Acidity less than .8%.  Other chemical requirements under the established limits. These are oils with a positive fruitiness and no defects.


[column width=”1/3″]Virgin Olive Oil

Fatty Free Acidity less than 2%. These are oils with positive fruitiness but also a minor defect in either taste or smell.


[column width=”1/3″]Lampant Olive Oil

Fatty Free acidity less than 2%. These are oils that because of their defective properties, should not be consumed as is. These oils are sent to the refinery to be turned into a tasteless, orderless, colorless fat.



Made up of a mixture of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils.  There are various options such as intense or light flavors, depending on the amount of virgin olive oil added.

