The Designation of Origin Estepa is the most demanding entity when it comes to certifying an extra virgin olive oil, hence many of the oils it covers have garnered leading national and international awards.
Its famed olive juices hail from the Region of Estepa and Puente Genil, a land with hundreds of years’ worth of history and the know-how accumulated by thousands of olive-growing families who remain faithful to the tradition of giving the best fruit each year to produce the most exquisite Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
(Land covered by the Protected Designation of Origin Estepa)
The Designation of Origin Estepa only certifies an oil when it is an extraordinary extra virgin olive oil. This is only achieved by exhaustive quality controls carried out throughout the production and packaging process.
Those responsible for the certification for the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin Estepa carry out numerous checks throughout the process to ensure that the practices applied in the olive grove and the quality of the end-product meet the standards set by the entity.

This seal, which appears on the packaging of certified brands, guarantees that it is an extra virgin olive oil of exceptional quality.
More demanding than the regulations
With the aim of ensuring that all protected extra virgin olive oils are among the highest quality in the world, the Designation of Origin Estepa has a list of conditions that are far more stringent than the international standards set for an extra virgin olive oil. In this way, whenever we are dealing with a PDO Estepa oil we can be sure that its quality is beyond all doubt.
Acidity: The Estepa PDO requires its oils to have a lower acidity than that established by community regulations. Acidity is one of the quality parameters for virgin olive oils, since a low value indicates that the oil comes from healthy and fresh olives.
Fruitiness: The extra virgin olive oils of Estepa PDO have a higher fruitiness than that established by regulations, another parameter indicating the excellence of the oils included.
Polyphenols and Tocopherols: The Estepa PDO oils have high levels of antioxidants, whose consumption is associated with better cellular health, implying a lower risk of suffering from disease.
100% Sustainable
All the extra virgin olive oils certified by the Estepa Designation of Origin have been produced by methods which are respectful towards the environment, a unique requirement among those used for olive appellations of origin.
In the territory covered by the Estepa Designation of Origin, the quality of extra virgin olive oil obtained is extremely important: similarly, how the product is obtained is essential, demanding the use of good practices in the olive grove, which respect the environment under as part of the unwavering commitment shown by the Estepa and Puente Genil area to the region’s environmental heritage.
The Olive Oil School
The Estepa Designation of Origin “School of Olive Oil” was created by the entity in 2005 with the aim of promoting and expanding people’s knowledge about everything related to Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Thanks to this project, the entity has produced a series of articles and free publications of great interest which are available to everyone:
- Article about extra virgin olive oil
- The Guide to extra virgin olive oil (A free guide to download, with everything you need to know about extra virgin olive oil)
- Extra virgin olive oil for the little ones (A series of free publications, free to download, for preschool and primary school pupils)
Gastronomic library
The Estepa Designation of Origin has an extensive gastronomic library available to chefs and food lovers, showcasing traditional and innovative recipes which always feature extra virgin olive oil.
- Cooking with EVOO
- Traditional cooking
- The taste of your land
- The magic of EVOO
- Extra flavour
- Extra virgin Salmorejos
More information about the entity at