Importers from around the world are captivated by the quality of Oleoestepa’s EVOO

In a standout event that highlights the influence of extra virgin olive oil in the global market, Oleoestepa has reaffirmed its status as an international reference by welcoming 15 renowned importers from various parts of the world.

This event, organized in collaboration with Andalucía Trade and ICEX, was a clear demonstration of the quality and passion that Oleoestepa pours into every drop of its extra virgin olive oil, which has already transcended borders.

A sensory journey from the olive grove to the table

The day began with a tour of the olive groves that form the heart of Oleoestepa, where visitors experienced firsthand the beauty of the landscape from which the extra virgin olive oil produced by the entities that make up our cooperative originates.

Later, our facilities opened their doors to explain the meticulous production process that Oleoestepa and its associated entities follow, with Oleoestepa’s export managers leading the visit and sharing the secrets of crafting extraordinary extra virgin olive oil.

One of the highlights was the extra virgin olive oil tasting led by Moisés Caballero, Secretary of the Estepa Designation of Origin. With his deep knowledge and passion, Moisés guided the guests through the complex flavor profiles of our oils, emphasizing the balance and uniqueness of our extra virgin olive oil varieties.

Gastronomic Experience

The experience continued with a lunch in our event hall, where dishes were served to demonstrate the versatility of our extra virgin olive oil and the nuances it brings to different meals. The collaboration with El Mesías added a sweet touch to the event, with exceptional desserts that perfectly complemented the meal.

Oleoestepa: Weaving Tradition and Modernity

This event not only strengthened international commercial ties but also reaffirmed Oleoestepa’s commitment to excellence.

Representing more than 7,500 olive-growing families, Oleoestepa is much more than a market leader; it is a large family where every member helps keep the legacy of quality alive. Every bottle of our extra virgin olive oil carries the flavor of our land and the story of thousands of hands working to bring this extra virgin olive oil to tables around the world.

As an international reference, we continue to pave the way and bring the culture of extra virgin olive oil to every corner of the globe.
